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Noble Causes – Vol.1 In Sickness and In Health

Original price was: €12.99.Current price is: €6.99.

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New tpb – vol.1 In Sickness and In Health (1-4, Noble Causes: First Impressions; a Jimmy Palmiotti, Jeff Johnson, Amanda Conner, Patrick Gleason, Billy Dallas Patton, Damon Hacker, John Wycough, Sean Clauretie). [From Image Comics: Every girl thinks her boyfriend is a catch, but Georgetown bookseller Liz Donnelly’s got bragging rights – she’s dating Race Noble, the famous superhero with the quick smile and the quicker legs. Follow Race and Liz’s whirlwind romance, from the moment they meet, to their wedding… and the tragic honeymoon. Now, Liz is living with her in-laws — a family of celebrity superheroes! She’s the first regular person to get an intimate look at the private lives of these jet-setting media sensations, and she quickly learns that behind the glamour and wonder lie dark secrets, ruthless ambition, and twisted desires.]

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