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Original price was: €29.99.Current price is: €19.99.

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New tpb – retail 29.99 – Book 1 (X-Men Chronicles 1-2, Tales from the Age of Apocalypse: By the Light, Tales from the Age of Apocalypse: Sinister Bloodlines, X-Man 1, X-Man Annual 1996, Blink 1-4; w Howard Mackie, John Francis Moore, Brian K. Vaughan, Scott Lobdell, Ralph Macchio, Terry Kavanagh, Judd Winick; a Terry Dodson, Steve Epting, Nick Napolitano, Joe Bennett, Ian Churchill, Roger Cruz, Alan Davis, Trevor McCarthy). [From Marvel Comics: It begins here! The critically acclaimed, fan-favorite storyline that rocked the X-Men Universe to its core is collected in chronological order across four volumes! In a cracked-mirror world ruled by the genocidal mutant despot Apocalypse, only one hope remains: Magneto and his Astonishing X-Men!] Book of the Week 3/30/05: [OK, I have mixed feelings about this, but it is a pretty major event, and it is a pretty slow week (again!), so why not. The Age of Apocalypse event represents the best and worst of the 1990s all in one big (very big!) package—a massive, 8-series crossover profoundly laden with so many characters and so much continuity that anybody but life-long readers would risk being hopelessly lost. But the core concept (as an unintended consequence of a brutal event, the world we know has been over-written by an alternate universe in which X-Men arch-enemy Apocalypse rules the world, and all the various X-groups, in alternate configurations, battle for survival and, unwittingly, the restoration of 616) is very cool, and while the execution is uneven, it features early work by a number of star writers and artists. The downside is that the saga is huge—I don’t know how many $30 volumes it will comprise, but probably around four. Still, it’s probably the coolest of the mega-crossovers of the 90s, and serves as the foundation for a lot of what has followed, including the recent Age of Apocalypse miniseries.]

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