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New tpb – retail 11.50 – Union Jack (3-issue mini; w Ben Raab; a John Cassaday). [From Marvel Comics: Tradition. Both the symbol of a nation and a sacred legacy handed down from generation to generation, Union Jack is the people’s hero. Representing the indomitable spirit of Great Britain, he fights for God and country… for England and the world! Armed with a silver dagger and Webley .455-caliber pistol, Joey Chapman is the latest countryman to take up the mantle. A reluctant hero, Chapman assumed the righteous role following the passing of Lord Falsworth, the original Union Jack. Undead activity is on the rise in England. When a friend is felled by a vampire’s bite, Union Jack takes up the trail. But this brood of blood-suckers does not seek to simply feed: its members are on the hunt for the most coveted icon in all of history, the Holy Grail, hoping to stimulate evolution among their population. Now, with another friend infected, Union Jack must turnback the vampiric onslaught or risk the lives of all he holds dear!] UNION JACK TP

cover by john cassaday

THE SCOOP: Penciler John Cassaday begins his run on CAPTAIN AMERICA this month – sounds like a good time to see John’s take on the UK’s fiercest fighter!

THE STORY: The horrific Baron Blood is once again up to his no-good blood-drinking ways! Thus, it’s up to England’s street-level warrior to plant him back in the ground where he belongs! But if the original Union Jack is dead, who will pick up his dagger to finish the job?

THE FORMAT: 96-page trade paperback.

ISBN 078510934X Cover
UPC 75960610934000111 Color
Stock # STK177122 Pages
Item Code STAR15633 (D) Size
SRP $11.50 (US)

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Weight 0.00 g

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