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Thunderbolts – vol 1 How To Lose


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Out of print Beurs INKIJKEXEMPLAAR tpb – retail 14.99 – vol 1 How To Lose (76-81; w John Arcudi; a Francisco Ruiz Velasco). [From Marvel Comics: What if you’re a former supervillain whose abilities make you the target of other, more powerful supervillains – as well as a pushover for defeat at the hands of superheroes? And what if you’re trying to reform, to walk the straight-and-narrow path? Do you keep slaving away for minimum wage at a go-nowhere job, or do you make one last grab for fame – by busting heads? Daniel Axum, formerly the Battler, was beaten and sent to prison by Spider-Man. Now he’s out, but he can’t escape the feeling that he’s watching the third strike in his last-chance life as it blows right by him – until opportunity springs from a dark choice. Does Axum, who did his time and is desperately trying to keep his life in order, stick to the straight and narrow, or is there something else?]

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