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Human Target – Vol.1 Strike Zones


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New tpb – vol.1 Strike Zones (1-5; w Peter Milligan; a Javier Pulido). [From DC Comics: Who is Christopher Chance? The truth is that he could be anyone – even you. As the world’s greatest impersonator, Chance makes his living by not being himself. Putting on his clients’ faces and slipping into their lives, Chane is the ultimate decoy, luring out threats and then neutralizing them in near-perfect surprise. But the price for this uncanny ability is a steady eroding of his own identity – and with it a growing disconnection from reality. Written by acclaimed comics innovator Peter Milligan and dynamically illustrated by Javier Pulido, Human Target: Strike Zones kicks off in Hollywood – the Motherland of shifting identities – and follows Chance through three reality-bending cases in three very different worlds. After surfacing from his total immersion in film producer Frank White’s life, Chance heads to New York City and becomes involved with a living ghost of the 9/11 attack before taking an undercover job that puts him in the middle of a steroid sydnicate’s baseball operation. Thoroughout each assignment, as he continally transforms himself, Chance’s strange profession blurs the boundaries between truth and fiction, leaving him ever more uncertain about who he really is – and how much that really matters.]

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