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created & written by NEIL GAIMAN illustrated by JOHN BOLTON
In this modern hardcover retelling of a classic commedia dell’ arte legend of tomfoolery and hopeless, fawning love, creators Neil Gaiman (Sandman) and John Bolton (Manbat) update the relation of Harlequin and Columbine. A buffoon burdened with a brimming heart, Harlequin chases his sensible, oblivious Columbine around the city streets, having given his heart freely. Consumed with love, the impulsive clown sees his heart dragged about town, with a charming surprise to bend the tale in a modern direction. Gaiman’s writing is poetic and as heartfelt as the subject matter. Bolton’s art, a combination of digitally enhanced photorealism and dynamic painting provides sensational depth with bright characters over fittingly muted backgrounds. Those who have spent Valentine’s Day alone are aware that the cold February holiday can be hard to swallow. Gaiman and Bolton want you to know that all it takes is a steak knife, a fork, and a bottle of quality ketchup! Contains an additional eight-page backup feature on the commedia dell’ arte, written by Neil Gaiman with illustrations by John Bolton!
FC, HC, 7″x10″, 40 pg

ISBN 156971620X Cover H
UPC Color FC
Stock # STK164591 Pages
Item Code STAR15245 (V) Size 5×7
SRP $10.95 (US)

Additional information

Weight 0.00 g
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