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Alias – Vol.3 The Underneath ***OOP***


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New tpb – retail 16.99 – vol.3 The Underneath (10, 16-21). [Issue 10, a standalone story, features J. Jonah Jameson and serves as a prologue to the events in “The Underneath”; therefore, it was held back for this collection, where it fits in better than it would have in Volumes 1 or 2. From Marvel Comics: As a costumed adventurer, Jessica Jones was plagued by a lack of self-esteem and an inability to master her superhuman powers. She hung up her cape and tights when she realized she would forever be considered a second-rate superhero. Now a tough-as-nails private investigator, Jessica returns home to find a mysterious girl in a costume hiding in her apartment, but she flies away before Jessica can find out who she is. Through sources, Jessica discovers that her intruder is Mattie Franklin, a.k.a. Spider-Woman, a teenage superhero with a personal connection to Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson. With Mattie in danger, Jessica Jones must seek help from an unlikely source–Jessica Drew, the original Spider-Woman–to bring her home alive.]

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